Volvo emafirma ostis ära lendavaid autosid loova ettevõtte

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*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** UNSPECIFIED - UNDATED: Unlike the Transition, the TF-X would be a car which can fly rather than a plane which can drive. A HIGH-flying company is hoping that futuristic airborne cars will soon become a reality. Massachusetts-based Terrafugia, which was founded in 2006 by a team of MIT graduates, plans to start selling its flying car, named the TF-X, in as little as eight years. And the manufacturer expects to have developed full-size unmanned prototypes of the TF-X by 2018. The innovative vehicle wouldn't look out of place in the iconic film franchise Back to the Future. The TF-X is still in the early stages of development but Terrafugia, which is derived from the Latin for escape the earth, predicts production in the next 8-12 years. PHOTOGRAPH BY Terrafugia / Barcroft Cars UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W (Photo credit should read Terrafugia / Barcroft Cars / Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

Volvo emafirma Geely ostis ära lendavate autode kallal töötava USA ettevõtte Terrafugia, kes lubab juba mõne aasta pärast lendava auto avalikkuse ette tuua.

Terrafugia lubas esimese lendava auto turule tuua 2019. aastal ning aastaks 2023 peaks valmis olema futuristliku välimusega TF-X, mis on ka ülaloleval pildil. Siiski, viimasel ajal pole firma edust kuigi palju kuulda olnud.

Geely on aga jõukas firma, seega võib see ettevõtte töö märksa lihtsamaks muuta, kuna ressursipuudus ei tohiks enam probleemiks olla.

Ettevõte andis ka juba teada, et on inseneride arvu kolmekordistanud.

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